Make Good Art.

-Neil Gaiman

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Really, St. Ben's?

In the name of everything holy. . .

I received a letter from the President's Office at CSB today. I was pretty excited at first, because I recently wrote Maryann an email venting my spleen about the Vaginia Monologues not going on this year. I hoped that perhaps someone was going to address my concerns about it not happening. Working in development now, I realized that she probably didn't have the time or the inclination to answer it herself, but I hoped that perhaps they put someone on it.

Oh, no, but that's all right too. Instead, it's a letter about how CSB/SJU are striving to become more green. Awesome! It's about freaking time. (Although, there's no mention of how professors were advocating for a green dining center and were told that they wouldn't get it.) All right. Swallow back this reaction. Here's what pissed me off to no end--


Really, I know that in the grand scheme of things this probably isn't that big of a deal, but for the love of everything holy. You're writing a letter about how green you are and you couldn't even print on both sides of one sheet of paper? Or ask one of the 23,000 people who are still on campus and have my email for it? With all the freaking questionaires you ask us to fill out on our graduation you seriously don't have my email? Jesus H. Christ people.

I know this seems like a wacky thing to get pissed off about, but honestly. It's the overarching message that gets my goat. "Look at how environmentally friendly we're going to be!" while they overlook some of the simplest things you can do to make things a wee bit better.


I'm off to write a sonnet.

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