Make Good Art.

-Neil Gaiman

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Omnia mutantur Nihil interit

From the moment I first saw Never-Ending Story until my late adolescence, I knew that there was something special about me.

Like the well-written heroine of any fantasy world, I was never entirely sure what was special about me. Some days whatever it was felt like a curse more than a blessing. I felt distinctly uneasy throughout many of my formative years. There was something slightly off with the world I inhabited. The fact that I couldn’t understand what it was upset me deeply.

When I was very young, my older brother told me I was adopted (an absurdity if you’ve ever seen me next to my mother.) It was typical older brother teasing, but I took him seriously. In his defense, I said the same thing to my younger brother when he was small.

Secretly, I hoped that I was adopted. It wasn’t that I was unhappy as a child—on the contrary. There are times when my childhood seems to picturesque that I have to wonder if it really happened the way I remember it. By all accounts I was a joyful, if quiet, kid with a loving and supportive family (run-of-the-mill sibling teasing and squabbles aside.) I loved my parents, my brothers, our home, my summers on the lake, but I still wanted to be special. I was absurdly preoccupied with being different.

When I listen to friends now talking about how they're keeping their girls away from Disney princesses or their boys away from violent toys, I wonder if perhaps they're missing something. My childhood was full of Disney princesses and video games, and neither of which seem to have had much an impact on me.  No, those things may be (and might have been) harmful, but there’s no possible way they can equate to handing a quiet, smart, shy kid a book of fantasy. Add to the mix a middle-child already convinced that she's magical, special, different, and you have the beginnings of a life-long obsession.

By the time I was thirteen, I could name the Elven rings of power, explain the significance of making the Kessel run in less than twelve parsecs, and eagerly anticipated the release of each new Harry Potter book. These were the outward manifestations of my inner nerd, and even when I tried to clamp down on them, I couldn’t bring my nerdy tendencies under control. It wasn’t a question of the things you would normally think of when raising a nerdy child—I was a horrible procrastinator when it came to school and if the homework wasn’t reading fiction or poetry I had no interest in doing it. I didn't want to learn to build a robot or write a computer program or draw a comic book.  I had excellent friends throughout my childhood and adolescence, went out on the weekends and socialized. I have never played World of Warcraft.

No, I didn't do any of those things, but I did read extensively, obsessively. Books and fantasy stories were about the narrative I had already begun to construct for myself. I had convinced myself that I was special—there was something new and different and important about me. I was going to change the world in an astounding, dramatic, superhero sort of a way. I was just waiting for my mutation to manifest itself (C’mon, Jean Gray-esque powers!) or my family to reveal that we had descended from a long line of female demon-slayers. Something had to be different about me.

It goes without saying that none of those things happened. I’m not a caped and masked avenger, a protector of the weak, or a preserver of innocence. I’ve never been able to manipulate the space-time continuum, and the closest I’ve ever gotten to building a robot that will lead to A.I.’s eventual takeover was a (largely unsuccessful) trebuchet I built in graduate school.

Even if I gave up the desire to be a superhero or a wizard, I never lost the desire to stand out, to be something apart from my peers. But the avenues for distinguishing yourself as a responsible adult are far fewer and far less dramatic than being a Time Lord or the Sandman. I knew for certain that I was too dreamy and too disorganized to distinguish myself in the corporate world. I have zero artistic talent and my basic grammar skills are appalling, so life as a painter or a writer was certainly out. In light of these things, I decided that the best way to set myself apart would be as an academic.

As I’ve said before, I went into graduate school with a mixed bag of intentions. Some were religious, others academic, and some were merely me trying to play to my strengths. The way to become extraordinary was to work my hardest academically and eventually come to some astoundingly original, beautiful insight that would not only change the way I thought about God personally, but how the world thought about God. Humble? Not in the slightest. But it was certainly a step down from spending all of my time wishing that I could save the world.

I was not a great graduate student. According to my grades, I was certainly bright enough. But I was unable to really turn myself over to my work. I could never lose myself in theology the way my peers seemed to do with such ease. Thankfully, the Ph.D. programs to which I applied seemed able to suss that out from my applications. I was turned down from academia with a speed that astonished and appalled me.

One of the central part of any fantasy novel is watching the hero or heroine get beat down relentlessly. However, you push through the obligatory narrative kick-in-the-shins because you know that somewhere down the road there’s redemption. The heroine will pick herself up and dust herself up and be the stronger for what she just endured. That seemed to be where I was in my personal fantasy narrative.

But I didn’t.

I didn’t pick myself up and try again. I didn’t attempt to do anything of the kind. I accepted that I was bested and moved on. I did what superheros and fantasy heroines never do. I gave up. 

One of the reasons I took a job in a city apart from my friends and family was because I felt like I needed to start over. I needed a new narrative for my life. At twenty-six, I had to come to grips with a realization that most people make before the end of their adolescence. 

I am ordinary. 

As I said, it's unlikely that I'm secretly the protagonist in an epic fight against evil and haven't realized it yet. But more than that, I've realized that I'm not going to be an academic, looked up to my scads of adoring students and changing the hearts and minds of my peers. I'm unlikely to write a best-selling novel or win a MacArthur Genius Fellowship or the Nobel Prize. It's been a sad realization. And a difficult one. 

Another of the biggest tropes in fantasy writing is the change that a heroine goes through during the course of her journey. She's not the same woman who began the quest. Sometimes the change is dramatic (death, becoming an angel because the writers for your show are idiots, waking up in a not-so-distant future with thirty-some-odd personalities in your head) and sometimes it's just that the heroine learned to how to live in a new world with a different sense of rules. 

I've written a lot lately about the gifts that a life of nerdiness has given me. Perhaps the greatest gift has been the knowledge that a person changes, sometimes profoundly, throughout the course of any narrative. They're different at the end of the story, but something of the person they were persists. Omnia mutantur, nihil interit. Something of the girl-who-wanted-to-be different persists in the heroine of my own YA fantasy novel, my desire to save the world has led to a commitment to girls and young women in my professional life. Something persists. I may not be a superhero, I may not even be extraordinary, but for the first time in my life, it seems as though being ordinary is finally, totally, enough.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Books, Resolutions, and the New Year

I am terrible at New Year’s resolutions. I can’t remember what my resolution was for 2011, or even if I had one. Typically my New Year’s Eve’s tend to involve something like half a bottle of Chilean wine and some horribly depressing movie (No Country for Old Men or The Company of Men were two memorable ones.)

However, in the past few weeks as I’ve been working on wearing out my library card, I hit upon a resolution that feels like a good fit. As I’ve been crossing books off of my reading list, I realized that I couldn’t remember all the books I’ve read in the past year. Tragic, I know. After digging through Amazon receipts, library records, and facebook photos (I knew that taking pictures of the books I’m reading would pay off sometime!) I managed to construct a pretty complete list of books I read in 2010. It hit me that it’s about time I started actually keeping track of what I read and what I thought of it, something I’m also hoping will keep me writing on a more consistent basis. I write so much for work that by the time I get home I’m unexcited about writing. Hopefully reading will inspire some writing.

That said, I think I might as well make some reading resolutions. Apparently in the past year I managed about 35 books, not counting rereading (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Northanger Abbey, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, The Great Gatsby were all reread in 2011) or school reading. I think 35-ish is all right for having been in graduate school for four of the past twelve months, finding a new job, and relocating. Next year I intend to go for 47 (an extra book a month) and hereby resolve to try to read more nonfiction. It’s not a guarantee, but I managed to find a few bits of nonfiction that really appealed to me in the past year (David Grann’s writing in particular.) I’m also going to attempt to read some huge books in the next year, including Life and Fate and some Chekov. I’ve also decided (God help me) to tackle Moby Dick if I get a Kindle for Christmas.

All of that said, I should probably say a bit of something about what I read.

Sandman was my absolute favorite. I fell in love with Neil Gaiman after the first 25 pages of American Gods (which was also wonderful), but Sandman hit me so hard and so fast that before I knew it, I was reading The Wake and crying my eyes out. It was unexpected, amazingly written, and breathtakingly illustrated. It is, hands down, the one comic book I would give to anyone who disses comics as low-brow (or who loves comics and hasn’t read it.) It is, quite simply, one of the most imaginative, provocative, and moving stories I've ever read in my life. 

As an aspiring young adult fantasy author, The Hunger Games trilogy was amazing. Hell, as a reader in general, The Hunger Games trilogy was amazing. When it comes YA fantasy fiction, girls get the shaft. There are way, way fewer smart, resourceful, kick-ass heroines than there are heroes. Katinss Everdeen is the kind of girl I’ve wanted to be for my entire life. Eventually I'm planning an extended entry on Sandman and why it's so wonderful, but I need some more time to think on it before I sit down to that piece. 

On the non-fiction front, Tina Fey made me laugh so hard I nearly peed my pants. David Grann’s writing is full of twists and incredible investigative reporting. Capote scared the crap out of me with In Cold Blood.
Now, without further ado, the somewhat-complete-list of reading I did in 2011.

American Gods (Gaiman)
In Cold Blood (Capote)
Anansi Boys (Gaiman)
Dune (Herbert)
2010 Nebula Awards Showcase
Dune Messiah (Herbert)
The Wandering Fire (Gavriel Kay
The Summer Tree (Gavriel Kay)
Bossypants (Fey)
The Brief, Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao (Diaz)
Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk (Sedaris)
Kill Shakespeare (McCreery, Del Col)
Hunter’s Run (Martin)
Sandman (Gaiman)
The Archer’s Tale (Cornwell)
Angelology (Trussoni)
The Sparrow (Russell)
If You Have to Cry, Go Outside (Cutrone)
Woman in the Dark (Hammett)
Generation Kill (Wright)
Coraline (Gaiman)
The Hunger Games (Collins)
Catching Fire (Collins)
The Mockingjay (Collins)
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Larsson)
The Girl Who Played with Fire (Larsson)
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest (Larsson)
A Visit From the Goon Squad (Egan)
The Devil and Sherlock Holmes (Grann)
The Lost City of Z (Grann)
The Commitment (Savage)
Stardust (Gaiman)
How to Live Safely in a Science-Fictional Universe (Yu)
The Pirate King (King)
Fables (Willingham)