Make Good Art.

-Neil Gaiman

Saturday, January 19, 2008


transposed from journal entry 11.17.2008

“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”
-C.S. Lewis

Oddly appropriate that the Lewis quote opens the new page. Appropriate and unintentional. Fought with J. yesterday. The usual hullabaloo about the existence of God. Part of my thinks that this is the most pointless and idiotic thing I've ever done and the other thinks that it's the most urgent and important. I can't decide which is right. Struggling a lot with my own faith recently. I'm disgusted with my Church and work isn't helping much--one of those troughs were I wonder why I'm a Christian.

I know what I want this Church to be, but it feels like all we're doing is walking backwards. I know that we're all imperfect, so this Church is going to be imperfect, but fighting with your family hurts so much. I have to admit that J. asks some very pointed questions which, while they don't really rattle my belief in God and the Incarnation, make me wonder why I'm choosing to stick with the Catholics

Points for later discussion:
1. The role of Revelation in "total subjectivism"
2. Why was Franny and Zooey so important to my spiritual development?
3. The tricky position you hold. Do you really agree with Rev. Honey's view that God doesn't touch the world? (this seems right intellectually) or with Lewis that we were told to pray for our daily bread and the healing of our sick?

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