"Oh. Okay." I turn back to the waitress. "Then we'll take a glass of the first sake you talked about." When the she leaves I lean across the table and stage-whisper "Are you trying to get me drunk?"
He smiles. I melt.
"No! I'm just trying to expand your horizons a little. Like you're doing for me."
I swear, they're going to need to mop me up off the floor.
"Well, that just sounds like blog click bait. You gotta do it."
"Yeah. I'm not really looking."
"Oh, right you're ohmygodsohappy and boring these days."
"We still talk about video games and writing and history!"
"Whatever. OMGOD, soooooo happy."
"Yes. And, if you and, like, one other person are to be believed, a shittier person because of it."
"Maybe you could start writing about how your relationship is slowly driving you crazy with insecurity."
"But it's not."
"Oh. Well then."
I like the little things.
The way someone's t-shirt smells. When someone buys you a book that they loved because they know that you'll love too. Being able to get incredibly excited about something in front of them without feeling self-conscious about it. Their taste, when they kiss you. How they laugh at all your jokes, even the ones that aren't very good. The sometimes breathless way they have of saying your name.
What can I say? I'm a simple girl.
"Seriously. We need you embarrassed and confessional about something, and how."
"Why are all my friends saying this?"
"Because you're at your wittiest when you're mortified about something."
"What an asshole."
"At some point you're going to have to pull it together. I'm sick of talking to you."
"Reality check. On a scale of 1-10 how annoying am I lately?"
"Uh. Not even."
"Are you sure?"
"Right at this moment you're being more neurotic than usual. But other than that, you're fine."
"Someone called me unbearable earlier today."
"Any annoyance I would have (and I assure you, it's none) would be counteracted by the following A) I love you. B) I've never seen you this happy. C) By virtue of A&B, I must be happy for you."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. If this were a Lamborghini, you could crow for a week. Being what it is, I don't care if you gush forever."
"I'm happy. Just . . . happy."
"Oh, honey. I know."
"You smile in your sleep."
"I think I probably only do it while you're here with me."
"Oh my God."
"What a line. I'm already here, do you really think you need say things like that?"
"You do that a lot."
"Act like I don't mean the things I say."
I'm quiet for a long time. "I'm not used to people meaning them."
"I guess I'm just going to have to keep saying them until you realize that I do."
I lean in and kiss him. I'm so happy it's almost, well.
I lean in and kiss him. I'm so happy it's almost, well.
Yep. Haters gonna hate. We're all so damn worried about looking like fools we forget that joy, sorrow, elation, anger, hate, etc are VISIBLE EMOTIONS. Largely because if you pen them up, they'll kill you. Gush away.