Make Good Art.

-Neil Gaiman

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


My life's trajectory has changed drastically since April. Resulting, of course, in a list of changes.

  1. I quit my job.
    1. Actually. In all fairness, I quit my job close to three months ago.
  2. I'm still working at my job
    1. In classic Kelly fashion, shortly after quitting I was hit by a tidal wave of Catholic guilt. And the realization that temping is not an option this summer. Between needing a paycheck and guilt about foisting tons of extra work on my already over-worked and wonderful co-workers, I agreed to say on until they found a replacement. Or until I left for grad school.
  3. I'm going to grad school
    1. In April, I dropped the dean of admissions at the SOT an email saying that I would be interested in returning. He called me ten minutes later and invited me to apply for the fall of 2008. I asked if I needed to worry about admission or financial aid and was assured that with my transcripts, and GRE scores, I shouldn't be terribly apprehensive. This conversation occurred two weeks before quitting my job, so while I hadn't been formally accepted, I rested relatively secure in the knowledge that I had a plan for the future.
  4. I have a new job.
    1. Last week I interviewed for a development position with a non-profit feminist organization in St. Cloud. The interview went well, and on Monday I was offered the job. I'll be the development wench, more or less, but I'll have the opportunity to solicit donors, coordinate a direct mail campaign, and possibly run a special event or two. GREAT experience, particularly for someone so new to the non-profit fundraising world. Major *pfffffffft*
    1. Not really a personal change, but I'm rooting for another win against the Cards and praying that Arizona trounces the Cubs.

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